Tuesday, July 15, 2008

School Day!

Well, it has been two weeks since the kids have been in school or at the YMCA. Between the week their school was closed for the 4th, friends in town and their hand, foot and mouth disease
they have not been away from us. I really like being with them but my household duties have been taking a hit. The yard looks a mess, behind on laundry, need to dust, barely keeping up with vacuuming and the countertops are a mess.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well at school. The not so good news is that they only have two more weeks of school before a five week break. Not sure how I will get everything done then:)

Jackson enjoying himself at the Science Center. Other than this, he really did have a good time.

Addison looking like a model:)

I gave up golf years ago, there are much cheaper ways to get frustrated for four hours,


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