Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Potty training update

Addison is the winner!! Like most other things, she nailed it first. She is now in big girl underwear full time. Even during naps and at night. We have a few accidents here and there but not much. The most notable accident was the other morning when I was assailed by a torrent of warm pee early one morning. Addison was sleeping on my side of the bed but she had graciously allotted me about eight inches to sleep on:) Her accident startled both of us.

Jackson is a close second but I have yet to go a whole day with him in big boy underwear. He just needs me to bite the bullet and he should be fine after a few sock drenching episodes. William is in third as he shows some interest but is VERY inconsistent. The toys I had bought to reward them now sit on the mantle with little interest from the kids. I am back to M&Ms and chocolate. Heck, if it would push the boys over the top of this mountain I might even through in a soda:) Just kidding, sort of:)

I have learned a few things along the way....
  • It is VERY important to have at least as many potties as kids/adults.
  • Leave some extra cleaning towels at each potty for clean ups.
  • Don't put the toilet paper in the potty before they get to survey their results.
  • It is VERY important to teach them not to get up before you have a chance to wipe them.
  • Cheerios are good for target practice but.....
  • It is MUCH less messy for boys to sit down.
  • Give everyone a 5-10 minute potty warning before leaving the house or going to bed.
People who get nostalgic about childhood were obviously never children.
Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes



Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going pretty well. Congtats!

Marie said...

I have a stay-at-home husband who deals with our three children (not triplets, so not quite as busy I'm sure). We've been fighting with potty training our youngest for months. I have recently started a blog from mom's side of the stay-at-home dad story. Our day to day adventures can be read at www.wifeofhousehubby.blogspot.com.