Monday, December 13, 2010

Back in the saddle again

Well, I got another call from a friend last week asking if I was interested in doing some contract (temporary) recruiting work through March.  Being that I have SO much spare time and I just sit around watching Soap Operas and eating bon-bons I said yes.

The real reason is that it will allow us to save some money.  Not only will I be earning money but I also seem to spend less when I am working.  It seems that when I have more time on my hands I am real good at turning my wants into needs.  You know...  I "want" a headset for my video game.... then I "need" one because I can play without disturbing anyone else, while Roomba is cleaning, while the CFO is watching her shows on the laptop, without hearing the chat from other players, etc...   But then I "really need" the wireless surround sound one to the tune of $250.   No, I did not buy it.  I got an open box deal on a corded one, that the CFO tripped on, for $20.

This time I am going to try and balance work and life a bit better. Wish me luck:)

I never know how much of what I say is true.
Bette Midler 

Nothing will work unless you do.
Maya Angelou


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